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  • icyou

Welcome to IC You!


Thank you for checking out IC You!

We are still growing, with community and forum features coming soon so you can discuss topics with other patients and supporters, new products in the works to make life more fun and a little easier, and blog posts that will provide easy IC friendly recipes, and more!

Until I was in it first hand, I can't say that I truly understood the obstacles faced by people with IC. I was fortunate in that I was diagnosed for over a decade before my IC came back out of remission. After experiencing a hell of a year with Interstitial Cystitis (pardon my French), I could truly appreciate the physical and emotional pain that patients talk about experiencing. It was the loneliest and most heartbreaking experience I have ever had to go through - everything I knew in my life was changed - my personality, my diet, my activity levels, even my relationships. I didn’t know who this new person was, but I didn’t like her. I worried constantly that I would never be myself again - that I would miss out on all the experiences of a "normal" mid-20 year old. I spent a lot of time sleeping away depression or crying on the bathroom floor while I tried (and failed) to give myself instillations or take medications. It took countless hours of doctor visits, research and dedication by me and the incredible family and friends I had, to finally dig myself out of the flare and get the disease to a point where I could “manage” it. A huge contributor to the hope and strength that got me through those dark days was the love I found when I created an Instagram page for IC (@icyouemailed). On that page, I was able to connect with people and share experiences and doctor information - I can honestly say I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for all the lovely, giving, and inspiring people who kept me going. It was you who helped me successfully do an instillation for the first time, who gave me the doctor recommendations that resulted in a life changing treatment plan and diet, who encouraged me to have patience and strength, to persevere.

The mission of “ICYou” is to begin bringing people together and raising awareness for this disease, and to aid in funding and increase the research and sense of community that sufferers feel, while offering fun, quirky products that have some personality. Just because we deal with an illness doesn't mean our personality or style should suffer!

For those of you who are fellow IC warriors, you have all impressed me so much with your strength and courage in life! For those of you supporting us, we know it isn't easy but know that we appreciate it more than words will ever say!

I understand how isolating and dehumanizing it can feel to deal with IC, and my goal is to help support others and remind people they are not alone - to keep as many people as possible from feeling the depths of that loneliness. You have an army of Warriors around you to pull you up! We won’t let IC run our lives - together we can beat this!

Much love - 


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